Monday, September 13, 2010

for lurve, part three.

He-who-must-not-be-named was manipulative. He lied about absolutely everything. He tore me away from my family because he hated his. I was getting in trouble all the time, and was grounded for weeks on end. My mom hated him and wanted me to stay far, far away. But I was very young and stupid. Chris and Kaden and his friends stopped inviting him to everything because they realized that he was bad news. All he had left was me. And he was pulling me down. He would go into these awful depressions for the stupidest reasons and it would make me feel absolutely horrible. My friends were giving up. I don't know why I put myself through that. It was the worst time of my life.
Then, he-who decided that he was going to join the Army. He was going to leave in June. And then come back to me after basic training. But about two weeks into summer, my mom had enough. She bought me a plane ticket and sent me off to Michigan to stay with my Grandparents the entire summer. I promised that I would never get over it and that I would hate her forever. But I didn't. I really missed her. And my brother. And my pets. And my friends. And Chris. I missed everything. I missed my life. I finally was starting to realize how much better my life was without He-who in it. I got everyone's addresses and wrote to them. I wrote Chris a letter. And when he wrote me back, I almost screamed with excitement. He told me that we were going to hang out when I got back. That is what made me most excited about going home. And then I knew, I didn't have to see He-who ever again. I could spend all my time with my friends, family, and Chris.
Chris had a friend named Tawna. I never knew who she was until she asked me what my name was in the lunch room one day. We had Health together, and talked all the time. I found out that she was Chris's very best friend. And he liked her. But she didn't like him. Not like that. It disappointed me to know that he liked her, but she said that he talked about me a lot. I liked that. I abandoned the thought that he liked me. But we were still friends. This is important, promise.
When I finally got home, three weeks before the end of summer, my friends welcomed me back with open arms. It was magic. When I told Chris I was back, we immediately set a date to hang out. Tawna was going to come, too. A Tuesday night. I could barely wait.
He drove up to my house. I ran out the door. I hugged Tawna, then I jumped into tall Chris's arms. He smelled good. We went and saw The Dark Night. It was such an absolutely fantastic night. They were so easy and fun to be with.
After that, we started hanging out all the time. Always with Tawna. I considered her one of my best friends by then. She and I left his house one day, and we were talking when she said, "Mallory, I think you and Chris would be SO cute together!" I hadn't even considered it. I mean, I LOVED him. But he loved Tawna. I couldn't picture us together. Then she asked me if I liked him. And I said yes. Then she squealed and said "Really, you guys need to be together. I love Chris, but I just can't see myself with him. I can see you two together though." She kept this up until school started.
Then, she called me one night. She had just got off the phone with Chris. She said, "So, you still love Chris right??"
"Well then something has to be done!"
"No, Tawna. He likes you!"
"Mallory, he likes YOU."

To be finished quite soon.


Nicole said...

i love love stories.

Sharon.Ovalle.♥. said...

I hate Tawna

Anonymous said...

I'm feeling so nostalgic. But I'm loving it. Thanks.

Lindsey said...

HAHAHA! Sharon, that made me lol out loud.

Hilary said...

Ooh finish it soon, finish it soon! I love this and you two are SO adorable!